I’m very happy to announce that my article “How to Use Google Analytics to Craft Content” has been chosen by SEMRush as one of the 10 best articles of 2014. I’m very honored to be included in a list of 10 great articles, all from the SEMRush Blog, where I write 2 articles a month. (In general.) Here are some titles you may have missed:
So, there’s a little for everyone. I hope these articles will be helpful to you.
I just finished doing a webinar for the Financial Times Exec Sense site. It’s a membership site for executives from all areas of business. The content was Negative SEO, which believe it or not (no matter what Google said in the past), it does happen. Happened on a small scale to one of my big clients, and those sites are the main targets — sites with BIG competition and Big money.
If you’re a little business, you probably don’t have to worry, but it can happen to anyone. Read my article to see what you can do to protect your site. A few simple steps can make a big difference.
Anyway, keep reading, and hop on over to SEMRush and give me a high five on G+, Twitter, or Facebook. It would mean a lot! So… Thanks in advance. 🙂