Creating a blog post in WordPress isn’t difficult.

So, for those of you who are new to working with WordPress, this short 10-minute tutorial should show you what you need to know. It also gives you information about where to find images for your blog posts. I hope it’s helpful:


I also mentioned 2 password vaults that I find extremely useful. I have used Roboform for 20+ years and Dashlane for about 10. I like Roboform better for desktop and Dashlane better for mobile. Check them out! They’ll save you tons and tons of time. The other mention I made was of Divi, the theme we use for ALL of our clients, and have done so for the last 5-6 years.  Click here for a little about how it works.

And… If you’re looking at this and scratching your head, I’m using the WordPress Classic editor, which most of my clients have. I you don’t have it go to Plugins/Add New Searching for “Classic Editor” and Install. Then, Activate. If something goes wrong, deactivate it again and you’ll be OK. But it should work with any WordPress blog at this time and you’ll be creating a blog post right away.

If you like using the block editor, you don’t need a video, but for my clients who have the block editor and find it interesting, I’ll make another video. I’ll also make one showing you how you can be creating a blog post in WordPress with the Divi Builder.
