Did you know that the major search engines teamed up to create a code “standards” website? It’s called Schema.org, and if you’re not following the local business guidelines there, you’re missing out in search. There are 30 criteria to consider when thinking about SEO (search engine optimization) and your site.

Nutch robots

Image via Wikipedia

For example, do all of the pictures on your website have “ALT” tags and do they sport your keywords? Does your site include an “aggregate rating” concerning your business? (A measure of several different agencies that rate businesses of your business’s type.) And how about reviews? There’s nothing more powerful than a passel of great reviews!

But another aspect of local business that many small business owners never consider is keeping in touch with clients on a regular basis via email marketing. Building that strong relationship with your past and potential customers is a way to make not only MORE sales, but sales all year long. In a place like Sarasota-Bradenton, many businesses suffer seasonal doldrums. But you don’t have to!

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you to develop relationships, not just with the people that come to or live in our town, but with a national or even global audience, please contact us for more information.

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