Do you dream of having a great-looking, professional, website that converts like an alchemist and gets hordes of targeted, unique visitors every day — without doing any of the work it takes to have it yourself?


You Can!

Even If You Only Started to Learn About

Internet Marketing Last Week…

Give US “The Business!”

Our crack team of technical specialists, copywriters, SEOs, video techs and online marketing wizards are waiting to get your business the attention it needs!

Pat Marcello

Pat Marcello, President/SEO Manager

Dear Friend,

My name is Pat Marcello. Eighteen years ago, I was probably where you are now. I had a product to promote, but had NO idea how to do it. I didn’t have a website, didn’t know HTML or any other computer language, and SEO was a term that boggled my mind. In other words, I was a complete newbie, who needed to learn how to market what I had to sell online.

Does that sound like you?


Maybe you’ve been online a while, but aren’t having a lot of success with making money. Could it be that you’re just not doing things the right way?

It’s possible.

Even after I had some marketing chops under my belt, I still needed technical skills and skills of persuasion and to make things happen, and once I conquered those hurdles, I still needed traffic – lots of it – lots of targeted traffic, and I was becoming discouraged.

I had no support at all. I felt lost and still stymied about what to do next.

I’m guessing you can relate: When I spoke about what I was doing to my friends or family, they’d look at me like I was crazy! My own husband said to me one day, “You’ll never make a dime online. Stop wasting your time!”


Thems fightin’ words!

That just made me more determined to have the last laugh.

And so, I did.

I spent two years learning the basic skills. I learned HTML. I learned how to link an affiliate banner. I learned how to write copy and I learned how to get some traffic – the WRONG kind of traffic, mind you, but I got traffic.

Then, I met someone…

Though I had learned quite a bit, I still wasn’t getting ANYWHERE. I still hadn’t made more than a few bucks online, and though I felt that I knew what to do, I was still struggling. I needed a mentor.

So, I bought one.

I joined a well-known marketer’s coaching program for $500 a month! No, I couldn’t afford it, but I knew that I had to do something radical. So, I got a credit card out (that I’d just paid off) and took a leap of faith.

After the second session I had with this man, he asked me to come to work for him and write content. (I’m a writer by profession. My products were the books I’d had published, you see.)

Two years later, I managed the biggest part of his company, and when I left him at the end of 5 years, I was his product development manager.

What I learned over those five years was more than can be written about in a single letter. What I learned was that online marketing isn’t a skill; it’s an art with lots of specialties. Some people are good at marketing theory, some are good at getting traffic, and some are good at building relationships, but it’s really difficult to find a person that is good at everything.

I don’t mean to brag, but I’m that person. I pulled myself up from the trenches and made a business of my own.

I know a good specialist when I see one!

All of the education I’ve had over the past eighteen years has led me to a place where I can spot talent. Not only that, but I know that the people I choose to work with my company are dependable and able to meet deadlines. They’re honest, hard-working, and all-round good people.

So, last year, I saw that the vibe was changing in the online marketing world.  No longer were people buying products to help them to learn what I already knew. They didn’t want to learn – they wanted the work DONE FOR THEM.

Busy people have little time to spend learning all that took me 18 years to learn. They need to make money, and they want that to happen quickly. Sure, some folks will take the time to learn it all because they don’t have the money,  like me, but some people already HAVE the money and just want to work with someone they can trust. They want their sites built, they want the copy written by professionals, and they want traffic. Plus, they’re willing to pay for it to make it happen right away.

That’s where MagnaSites comes in…

As mentioned above, I know good people when I see them, and I have been able to assemble the best crew you can imagine for myriad tasks that online marketers need to accomplish in their businesses every day.

Meet my crew:

  •  Our copywriter has been in the business a long time. She knows how to write letters, emails, and other sales materials that sell.
  • Our tech guys all know more than your basic HTML, PHP, and CSS, and have created sites that are simple and sites that are very complex with ease and on time. They have also created software for a site intended to work with municipalities for one of our clients. And they know how build apps.
  • Our video person is well-versed in creating engaging videos from existing content that will be shared and include links to your site bringing traffic from all corners of the Web, including the search engines.
  • Our SEO team is under my personal control. We have helped some of the biggest sites on the Web to dominate for keywords in their niche, bringing them those hordes of unique visitors we talked about earlier. It’s also been proven that SEO traffic converts not just better, but at a higher dollar per click.

One success story I have to share involves an e-commerce client. He started his business in 2011 and in 2012 came to me for help with marketing, SEO, and tech work for his site. Since that time, I have re-built his website twice. And I have made sure that every page in his website is SEO friendly. His traffic is soaring and his income has tripled (at least). I have a great working  relationship with this man. He calls me “Magic Pat.”

But that’s only ONE client. I have worked with sites that dwarf his in terms of content and usability.  I have also worked with some of the biggest names in the Internet and Direct Marketing universe, thanks to my previous job. We’re talking old school and new school, too.  I won’t drop names because that’s not cool, but there are few folks in marketing online that I don’t know.

My entire team, and all that they do, is monitored by me to assure the highest quality and the best results. I stand behind everything my company does. I want happy customers that will recommend us to their friends, and maintain a wonderful working relationship for years to come.

So, don’t waste time trying to be an expert in all things Internet marketing! You don’t have to learn SEO, video creation, copywriting, and all of the fields above. In fact, you can study each of these fields for YEARS and still not be an expert in any of them.

My team IS a team of experts.

Let us help your business succeed online.

I will caution you that our services are not inexpensive, but comparative to other businesses doing the same thing, they are. I want to think that they’re fair. So, if you’re one of those folks who want it all now, but don’t have the time to learn everything you need to know, let us take over while you work on your marketing strategy and making your business one to reckon with online.

And I’ll even throw in some marketing consultation, too. I always do, whether I’m asked or not. It’s just how I roll. You can always depend on me to tell the truth and to help you do whatever you need to do quickly and efficiently. Just remember… I’m “Magic Pat.”  And always will be.

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