by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
One of my favorite clients has a nightmare of a website. He knows this because I’ve told him several times. We don’t mince words with one another and it’s just a matter of not knowing when he started out how very important your website’s...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Content Marketing
Who are you online? OK, I know you’ll probably think, “I’m Joan Doe!” Well, of course you are! But… Unless we’re talking about video or audio, the only way that your audience (your raving fans) can know you is by the tone of your...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing
Every now and then, I do a composite of all the interesting things going on in the online business world. I hope you find these interesting: Facebook has lifted some of the regulations about page cover images, which is good. You can now include information such as...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
When I first came online waaaay back in 1996, I knew nothing about the Internet. I knew you could look up information, which was a Godsend to me since I’m a writer, and that I could play Internet games. (Some seventeen years later, I haven’t gotten over...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing
Websites come in all shapes and sizes, and I’ve looked at millions of them, both casually and professionally. Some of them are great, some almost have it, and others just outright suck. There’s no clear purpose for the site, buying is difficult for the...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing
A book entitled, “Think Like Zuck:The Five Business Secrets of Facebook’s Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg” by Ekaterina Walter was published in late December. I’ll be honest, I haven’t yet read it, but it’s on my short...