by Pat Marcello | Blog, Search Engine Optimization
Content is all-important these days, just as it was way back when. Producing content that is engaging, helpful, and well-written is what SEO seems to be more about than anything, but backlinks haven’t gone away. You’re supposed to be getting them by people...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Search Engine Optimization
Earlier this week, the search world got together for SMSX West in San Jose, California. At that gathering, there was some indication of what Google intends to update with Panda and Penguin shortly. In fact, Matt Cutts told an audience that there would be a new version...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Search Engine Optimization
It used to be that webmasters could actually go to a link broker and buy some backlinks with high authority. Now, Google not only frowns on that practice, but they’ll kick your search kiester for participating in a “scheme to manipulate search...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
When I first came online waaaay back in 1996, I knew nothing about the Internet. I knew you could look up information, which was a Godsend to me since I’m a writer, and that I could play Internet games. (Some seventeen years later, I haven’t gotten over...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Search Engine Optimization
Have you ever tested the speed of your website (your website load time)? If not, you really should, as the time it takes each and every one of your pages to load very important on many levels. First, so many people are accessing the Web from smartphones, tablets, and...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Search Engine Optimization
I belong to a technical SEO community on Google Plus, and today, someone asked a question about infinite scroll. I’m sure you’ve seen it. You don’t have to use pagination to get you through, you just keep scrolling down and get more and more content...