by Pat Marcello | Blog, Search Engine Optimization
Google is acting more and more like a marketing company, isn’t it? Last year, they stopped providing data about the keywords that people type in to get to your website, if they weren’t logged into Google when they searched (which they call “secure...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
There’s been a lot of talk on the Internet over the past couple of days about Facebook Graph Search, and if you have a local business, graph search is going to be important to you. With this new way to search socially, you’re going to find out what your...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
If you have been working online for very long, you have undoubtedly figured out what a keyword is and that these little “pointer” words are important to search engine spiders. They make correlations between the content on your website and what your...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
When you say, “You should be writing press releases,” to some folks, they get nervous. First, it’s writing, but not just any writing. Press releases requre a special kind of writing and the form is important. Right? Am I hitting a chord here? If...
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
Traffic is probably the most difficult thing for small online business owners to get. Unless you’re a major brand, you need to establish a presence online and to make the search engines aware that your business exists. How? There are plenty of ways to do that....
by Pat Marcello | Blog, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
Many people come online and see the potential of the Internet for business, and I think that’s especially true if they own a brick and mortar store already. But what those of you who have brick and mortar-type stores need to know is that doing business online is...