NEED HELP WITH Digital Marketing?
Need a Website
Worthy of a Wizard?
Every month, we will come to you with a killer newsletter that tells you like it is.
No BS!
Be aware. We do not charge Bargain Basement Prices. However, you will get a stunning website built by professionals with reliable support that’s easy to understand.
If your site is cursed, we will tell you that your website is cursed.
Does it take as long as an old lady at the deli counter to load?
Are your colors so bright that even the highlighters in your back pocket say, “NO!”
Does it look like you’re selling auto parts instead of specialized orthopedic underwear?
Only the real deal info. We’ll tell you the truth even if it hurts.
But you have to get on the list…
Get Zero-Cost Marketing Education from an 18+ Year Veteran of the Tech & Marketing Wars
Success Stories

I feel a hardy; “thank you” is in order regarding how much you’ve help me and my business over the last few months. The small things: returned phone calls, quick email responses, attention to the smallest of details…only begin to list your many attributes.
Oh, and did I forget to mention your comprehensive knowledge of all things SEO related?
Knowing that I have you to watch over and build our web presence has taken a load from my shoulders. It’s allowed me to concentrate on the details of my business, a good thing for sure.

If you are looking for someone to design your next website, then look no further!
It is without any reservation and with extreme pleasure that I highly recommend Patricia Marcello with MagnaSites.
I just love my website! […]
Pat and her team are prompt, professional, and conscientious. Her passion for what she does to help people to accomplish their mission shines through her work.

I’ve shopped for various web marketing services for years and had always been dissatisfied with either the end result or the service.
Quite the opposite is true with Pat Marcello and I have been a very happy customer for over 4 years now and wouldn’t even consider finding anyone else to build my site, maintain and protect it or to provide any other digital service.
What I most appreciate is that they GET my professional needs and customer service is very speedy. I don’t have to wait for long help or to make the changes I need to happen quickly. 5 Stars, Pat!